Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Arrived in Germany!

It is 8:40AM in Germany (7 hours ahead of the U.S.) and I haven't heard a single person speaking English since I've arrived! I had a long 8 hour flight next to a girl from Mexico whom spoke broken English and a guy from the U.S. that spoke close to no Spanish and after the fifteenth time of the girl trying to ask the guy what the reason for his travel was without him understanding I some how became the kind-of translator between the two for the duration of the flight. Good to know I haven't forgotten all my Spanish this Summer! My flight to Valencia leaves at 11 AM here but I don't have a clue of the gate yet because they only show the listing of flights until 10AM, but I made it through customs and passport control here so it should be no problem figuring the rest out!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Who doesn't love some mail?

Please address letters:
Samantha Lopez
FSU Valencia Study Center
Calle Blanquerias 2
46003 Valencia